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Sample Projects


Horse Race Game

We made a “step-on sensor” out of ice-cream sticks and kitchen aluminum foil. This is a simple touch switch that controls how fast the character on the screen runs. In this case the sensor controls the human runner. The goal is for the player to outrun the horse. The horse may simply run at a random speed or be controlled by another sensor. If there’s an audience, the second sensor could be a microphone so that the louder the crowd cheers the faster the horse runs.



A smart bathroom model

This project was implemented by a group of schoolteachers in Brazil who wanted to educate their students about hygiene. Some students at their school after using the bathroom they often forget to flush the toilet. So, the teachers created a model of a bathroom that has an infrared sensor on the entrance so that the computer (through the GoGo board) knows when there is someone entering or leaving the bathroom. The toilet has a touch sensor that detects when someone flushes it. With these two sensors, they wrote a program that detects when someone tries to exit the bathroom without flushing. The computer will then play an audio file reminding the child of his or her responsibility. The model was made of Styrofoam, paper, and clay.


A Calorie scale

This project was also implemented by a group of schoolteachers in Brazil. The idea is to have a scale that can tell you how many calories your food is giving you. This is to create awareness of what people eat. The scale was made of Lego. A bend sensor was used to measure the weight of the food and convert to calories. As the amount of calories is different for each type of food. A set of buttons were made to allow users to specify the kind of food that was being weighed (e.g. rice, chicken, vegetable, etc). The buttons were built with plywood and kitchen aluminum foil.



This game is a replica of a famous arcade game where players dance on a set of step-on sensors on the floor following instructions on the computer screen. The GoGo board is used to connect four step-on sensors to the computer. The sensors were made of thick paper and kitchen aluminum foil.



 Last updated: 2/21/2003 5:47:12 PM