CricketLogo Reference
(GoGo board edition)

a, selects motor A to be controlled.
b, selects motor B to be controlled.
ab, selects motors A and B to be controlled.
c, selects motor C to be controlled.
d, selects motor D to be controlled.
cd, selects motors C and D to be controlled.
abcd, selects all motors to be controlled.
on turns the selected motors on.
off turns the selected motors off.
brake actively applies a brake to the selected motors.
onfor duration turns the selected motors on for a duration of  time, where duration is given in tenths-of- seconds. E.g., onfor 10 turns the selected motors on for one second. 
thisway sets the selected motors to go the "thisway" direction, which is defined as the way that makes the  indicator LEDs light up green. 
thatway sets the selected motors to go the "thatway" direction, which is defined as the way that makes the indicator  LEDs light up red. 
rd reverses the direction of the selected motors. Whichever way they were going, they will go the opposite way. 
setpower level sets the selected motor(s) power level. Input is in the range of 0 (coasting with no power) to 8 (full  power).
Servo Motors
setsvh direction sets the servo heading. direction for a typical servo motor should range between 15-45.
svr steps turns right (counter clock wise) for a number of steps.
svl steps turns left (clock wise) for a number of steps.
timer  reports value of free-running elapsed time device. 
Time units are reported in 1 millisecond counts.
resett  resets elapsed time counter to zero.
wait duration  delays for a duration of time, where duration is given in tenths-of-seconds. E.g., wait 10 inserts a delay of one second.
beep  plays a short beep. 
Sensors and Data Collecting
sensor1  reports the value of sensor 1, as a number from 0 to 1023.
sensor2 reports the value of sensor 2, as a number from 0 to 1023.
same as sensor1 and sensor2, but report values of the corresponding sensor.
switch1 reports ¨true¨ if the switch plugged into sensor A is pressed, and ¨false¨ if not.
switch2  reports ¨true¨ if the switch plugged into sensor B is pressed, and ¨false¨ if not.
same as switch1 and switch2, but report values of the corresponding sensor.
resetdp  reset the value of data pointer to 0.
record  value  records value in the data buffer and advances the data pointer.
recall  value reports the value of the current data point and advances the data pointer.
erase number sets the value of the first number elements of the data array to zero and then sets the data pointer to zero. Because the process of  recording data is relatively slow (about 20 milliseconds per data point) it could take as long as 50 seconds for the erase 2500 command to be executed.
loop [body repetitively executes body indefinitely.
repeat times [body] executes body for times repetitions. times may be a constant or a calculated value.
if condition [body if condition is true, the cricket executes body. Note: a condition expression that evaluates to zero is considered "false"; all non-zero expressions are "true".
ifelse condition [body1] [body2 if condition is true, executes body-1; otherwise, executes body-2
waituntil [condition] loops repeatedly testing condition, continuing subsequent program execution after it becomes true. Note that condition must be contained in square brackets; this is unlike the conditions for if and ifelse, which do not use brackets. 
stop terminates execution of procedure, returning control to calling  procedure.
output value terminates execution of procedure, reporting value as result. 
+ infix addition
- infix subtraction
* infix multiplication
/ infix division
% infix modulus (remainder after integer division)
and infix logical "and" operation (bitwise and)
or infix logical "or" operation (bitwise or)
xor infix logical "xor" operation (bitwise xor)
not prefix logical not operation. use only with boolean values (1 and 0).
random reports pseudo-random number from 0 to 32767.
Globals and Arrays
global [foo bar] creates two globals, named foo and bar
array [array1-name, array1-length, array2-name, array2-length, etc.] creates two arrays, one named foo, which can hold 50 numbers and another named bar, which can hold 25 numbers. Elements in the array are set and read using the aset and aget primitives: 
aset array-name item-number value sets the item-numberth element of array-name to value
aget array-name item-number reports the item-numberth element of array-name
Serial Communication
send value  transmits value via Com port.
serial reports the byte most recently received by the serial port.
newserial? reports true if a new byte has been received by the serial port since last time serial was used, and false if not. It does not effect the content of the serial buffer.